131 research outputs found

    Using Partial Orders for the Efficient Verification of Deadlock Freedom and Safety Properties

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    This article presents an algorithm for detecting deadlocks in concurrent finite-state systems without incurring most of the state explosion due to the modeling of concurrency by interleaving. For systems that have a high level of concurrency, our algorithm can be much more efficient than the classical exploration of the whole state space. Finally, we show that our algorithm can also be used for verifying arbitrary safety properties

    Proving memory safety of floating-point computations by combining static and dynamic program analysis

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    Whitebox fuzzing is a novel form of security testing based on runtime symbolic execution and constraint solving. Over the last couple of years, whitebox fuzzers have found dozens of new security vulnerabilities (buffer overflows) in Windows and Linux applications, including codecs, image viewers and media players. Those types of applications tend to use floating-point instructions available on modern processors, yet existing whitebox fuzzers and SMT constraint solvers do not handle floating-point arithmetic. Are there new security vulnerabilities lurking in floating-point code? A naive solution would be to extend symbolic execu-tion to floating-point (FP) instructions (months of work), ex-tend SMT solvers to reason about FP constraints (months of work), and then face more complex constraints and an even worse path explosion problem. Instead, we propose an alternative approach, based on the rough intuition that FP code should only perform memory-safe data-processing of the “payload ” of an image or video file, while the non-FP part of the application should deal with buffer alloca-tions and memory address computations, with only the lat-ter being prone to buffer overflows and other security critical bugs. Our approach combines (1) a lightweight local path-insensitive “may ” static analysis of FP instructions with (2) a high-precision whole-program path-sensitive “must ” dy-namic analysis of non-FP instructions. The aim of this com-bination is to prove memory safety of the FP part and a form of non-interference between the FP part and the non-FP part with respect to memory address computations. We have implemented our approach using two existing tools for, respectively, static and dynamic x86 binary analysis. We present preliminary results of experiments with standard JPEG, GIF and ANI Windows parsers. For a given test suite of diverse input files, our mixed static/dynamic analysis is able to prove memory safety of FP code in those parsers for a small upfront static analysis cost and a marginal runtime expense compared to regular runtime symbolic execution

    Combining Model Checking and Testing

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    Abstract Model checking and testing have a lot in common. Over the last two decades, significant progress has been made on how to broaden the scope of model checking from finite-state abstractions to actual software implementations. One way to do this consists of adapting model checking into a form of systematic testing that is applicable to industrial-size software. This chapter presents an overview of this strand of software model checking

    Exploiting models for scalable and high throughput distributed software

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    In high-throughput distributed applications, such as large-scale banking systems, synchronization between objects becomes a bottleneck. This short paper focusses on research, in close collaboration with ING Bank, on the opportunity of leveraging application specific knowledge captured by model driven engineering approaches, to increase application performance in high-contention scenarios, while maintaining functional application-level consistency

    Precise Pointer Reasoning for Dynamic Test Generation

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    Abstract. Dynamic test generation consists of executing a program while gathering symbolic constraints on inputs from predicates encountered in branch statements, and of using a constraint solver to infer new program inputs from previous constraints in order to steer next executions towards new program paths. Variants of this technique have recently been adopted in several bug detection tools, including our whitebox fuzzer SAGE, which has found dozens of new expensive securityrelated bugs in many Windows applications and is now routinely used in various Microsoft groups. In this paper, we discuss how to perform precise symbolic pointer reasoning in the context of dynamic test generation. We present a new memory model for representing arbitrary symbolic pointer dereferences to memory regions accessible by a program during its execution, and show that this memory model is the most precise one can hope for in our context, under some realistic assumptions. We also describe how the symbolic constraints generated by our model can be solved using modern SMT solvers, which provide powerful constructs for reasoning about bit-vectors and arrays. This new memory model has been implemented in SAGE, and we present results of experiments with several large Windows applications showing that an increase in precision can often be obtained at a reasonable cost. Better precision in symbolic pointer reasoning means more relevant constraints and fewer imprecise ones, hence better test coverage, more bugs found and fewer redundant test cases

    Derailer: interactive security analysis for web applications

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    Derailer is an interactive tool for finding security bugs in web applications. Using symbolic execution, it enumerates the ways in which application data might be exposed. The user is asked to examine these exposures and classify the conditions under which they occur as security-related or not; in so doing, the user effectively constructs a specification of the application's security policy. The tool then highlights exposures missing security checks, which tend to be security bugs. We have tested Derailer's scalability on several large open-source Ruby on Rails applications. We have also applied it to a large number of student projects (designed with different security policies in mind), exposing a variety of security bugs that eluded human reviewers.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0707612
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